Here’s how you can reduce the risk of a relapse
17th  October, 2019


While there is no sure shot way of preventing recurrence of any kind of cancer, these lifestyle and dietary changes would go a long way to help reduce the risk of breast cancer relapse…


Quit Smoking: Tobacco not only increases your chances of getting cancer, but is also a big reason for recurrence and hence, an absolute no no.


Limit Alcohol: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends alcohol intake be restricted to less than 5 units a week to avoid recurrence of cancer.


Manage Stress Levels: While there are no conclusive studies on how stress can increase the risk of relapse, we know for sure an extended period of trauma can affect cortisol levels and reduce the body’s ability to fight infections. Once immunity is compromised, your body becomes prone to diseases  automatically.



Include Omega 3 Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Omega 3 reduces inflammation in the body and acts as a protective agent. Vegetarian sources of omega 3 include walnuts, flaxseeds, edamame etc and non veg sources include fish like Mackerel, salmon and oysters . You can opt for an Omega 3 supplement as well under the supervision of your doctor or nutritionist.


Limit Sugar: Many studies have shown a direct link between high sugar intake and weight gain and metabolic syndrome. Hence, one must limit sugar intake to max 1-2 tsp a day.


Increase Fiber Intake: Studies have shown that a diet low in fiber or vegetables can increase the risk of getting cancer as well as recurrence. One must consume 2-3 servings of vegetables daily.


Avoid Trans Fat or Heavy Red Meat Intake: Red meat increases your susceptibility to cancer, while white meat decreases it.  According to a recent study in the International Journal of Cancer, one should consume poultry instead of red meat to reduce the risk of getting cancer.



Maintain Healthy Weight: Maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat a well-balanced (with the right portion of carbs, protein, fat and fiber) diet to keep your weight in check. Don’t compromise your immunity—have four major meals a day (breakfast, lunch, evening snack and dinner), all four hours apart, with healthy fillers like nuts, chaas and fruits etc in between.


Exercise Daily: Regular physical activity can reduce anxiety and depression, improve blood circulation, boost self-esteem and decrease bouts of nausea. Aim to exercise 150 minutes a week.


Regular Health Screenings: Mammogram, pap smear and colonoscopy should be done on an annual basis under the supervision of your medical practitioner. Keep chronic ailments like blood pressure, diabetes or heart-related diseases in check with the appropriate and regular testing.


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