Here’s a list of dos and don’ts you should follow.

3rd June, 2020

If you’ve suffered from a urinary tract infection (UTI) even once, you know how painful and disruptive this disease can be. The symptoms of this bacterial infection, which can infect any part of the urinary system—ureters, urethra, bladder, kidneys—may vary from mild to severe, often requiring immediate medical attention. Some of the symptoms you may feel are pain in the pelvis region, a constant urge to urinate, blood in the urine etc., all depending on the region that is infected. Severe cases where the infection is in the kidney can lead to back pain and nausea as well.


Along with medication, here are some dos and don’ts to help you to treat UTI faster and may be even prevent it in future. As always, consult your medical practitioner. You will need to know if the infection is bacterial or viral (seen in rare cases) and be treated by your doctor accordingly.


Certain factors put you at a higher risk of getting UTI. For example, weakened immunity, age, poor personal hygiene, diabetes, kidney stones, sexual intercourse, menopause. Women are at more risk of getting UTI then Men.



>  The pH of urine plays an important role—a healthy pH helps  keep the bad bacteria away, allowing siderocalin, a compound that blocks bad bacteria, to do its job effectively. Follow a well-balanced diet which is rich in antioxidants to maintain a good pH balance, strengthen immunity and fight the infection.

> Hydrate yourself well—drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily.

> During travel make sure you carry a mobile pee instrument and toilet seat sanitiser to protect yourself.

> Maintain good personal and sexual hygiene, make sure to empty your bladder post sexual intercourse to flush out the bacteria and clean yourself well.

> Take regular pee breaks.

>Research suggests that drinking unsweetened cranberry juice helps to recover from UTI faster. Cranberry consists of a chemical that prevents the bacteria from adhering to the urinary track. But most of these studies are in the preliminary stage to conclude its effect.

> Add foods like yogurt, pickled vegetables like sauerkraut, kefir. These probiotics help to keep the urinary tract healthy and prevent bacteria from sticking to it, besides producing hydrogen peroxide which is antibacterial.




> Avoid wearing tight-fitted clothes, wear cotton underwear.

> Don’t hold your urine for long.

> Avoid foods that can irritate the bladder like tea, coffee, alcohol.

> Avoid any allergens.



> Cranberry capsules. Cranberry contains a chemical and sugar D-mannose that prevents bacteria from adhering to the urinary tracT, flushing it out more quickly.

> Grapefruit seed extract and Bearberryleaf have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties respectively, used in the treatment of UTI traditionally.

> Studies have shown that probiotic supplements have helped prevent recurrence of UTI in women.

> Few test tube studies suggest that garlic has a compound called allicin which has helped fight bacteria like E.coli, a major cause of UTI. Garlic extract is sold as supplements as well.

> Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant good for immunity and studies show that it reacts with nitrates in urine and forms nitrogen oxide which can kill bacteria. However, more research is needed.


NOTE: Always consult your doctor before taking supplements to avoid interactions with medications. Urinary tract infection needs medical attention and should not be delayed to avoid complications.


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