Combat the effects of low D3
12th September 2019



Ask any health practitioner or nutritionist and they’ll tell you one of the biggest deficiencies especially men, women and children in metro cities face is the lack of sufficient vitamin D3.


This sunshine vitamin is synthesized below our skin when exposed to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B radiation. Sunscreen with low SPF may block the rays; use sunscreen with high (UV) A protection that encourages vitamin D synthesis instead. As per Pan asian studies, the best time to get exposed to the sun is between 11am – 1pm since the wave-lenght of ultraviolet B (UVB) rays is between 290-320nm, which is essential for the skin to make D3.



Foods that help:

  1. Fatty fish (like sardines, salmon)
  2. Milk products
  3. Egg yolk
  4. Fortified foods like milk, fruit juice, soy milk and cereals
  5. Cheese
  6. Beef liver
  7. Mushrooms




Daily requirement of D3 is 400-800IU, 100gms of salmon has 361-685IU of vitamin D while an egg yolk contains 18-39IU of vitamin D, which is not very high (you need 10 eggs a day to get optimum D3, which is impracticle). 100gms of wild mushrooms do contain 2300IU of D3, but THE commercially grown one generally lack that. Even though we prefer you to get vitamin D from natural sources, it may not be possible as minimal amounts are present in these foods. Also, absorption of vitamin D from natural food may be hampered. In such cases, vitamin D supplementation would be ideal.

Vitamin D plays a vital role in overall health. It is now considered more as a hormone than a vitamin.

D3 helps in absorption of calcium, hence maintaining bone health and prevent osteoporosis. It Is known to delay onset of diabetes and protects cardiovascular health. Some research suggests that low d3 level may be associated with certain types of cancer. It could lead to physical as well as psychological and hormonal imbalances…

Physical effects: Fatigue, bone and back pain, muscle pain, delayed tooth formation and stunted skeletal growth in children.
Psychological effects: Mood swings, depression.
Hormonal imbalance: As per few studies, vitamin D helps to regulate hormones adrenaline, noradrenaline (norepinephrine) & dopamine production in the brain, preventing the depletion of serotonin (happy hormone).


Low vitamin D has been linked to following disorders…



  1. Diabetes
  2. Insulin resistance
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Skin ailments
  5. Rickets in children
  6. Impaired immunity
  7. Kidney stones
  8. Obesity
  9. Alzheimer’s, disease
  10. Cancer




People at risk of developing vitamin D3 deficiency:

D3 is a fat soluble vitamin, hence a low fat or no fat diet can affect its absorption. Those who are vegan, obese, dark-skinned or have less exposure to sun are at risk of developing low D3 levels. Excessive pollution in metropolitan cities makes it difficult for the UVB rays to reach the skin and provide vitamin D.



How to combat vitamin D3 deficiency:

  1. Check your vitamin D levels twice a year..
  2. If your vitamin D 3 levels are below 10mg/ml then go to your doctor and take shots or supplements for same.
  3. If it is between 10-30mg then consult your doctor or nutritionist for vitamin supplementation.
  4. If your vitamin D3 is above 30 and less than 70, a maintenance dose will suffice, but make sure you consult your nutritionist or doctor first. Also include the above mentioned foods in your daily diet.



  1. If you have a strong family history of cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity or if you are prone to fractures, then make sure you monitor your levels of D3 even more closely.
  2. Consult your GP or nutritionist before taking D3 vitamins. Excess of D3 can cause toxicity and can be fatal. Check your D3 levels every 6 months to maintain good health.
  3. Always take this supplementation with food that contains some amount of fat.

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