You can now say goodbye to filters and other beauty apps.
21st July, 2019

Ever wondered how Cleopatra managed to look so stunning even without access to the myriad beauty products we have at our disposal today? Ancient beauty rituals and natural ingredients have worked wonders for generations before us. Here’s a list of superfoods that would help you look and feel beautiful inside out.



1} Youthful Yoghurt:

An important part of the daily Indian diet, yoghurt tops the list of anti-ageing foods. Rich in proteins, calcium and vitamins, it is crucial for muscle and bone strength, helping fight immune-related diseases. In addition, yoghurt acts as a probiotic, helping you digest food better.

2} Beautiful Berries:

Berries themselves look delicious and beautiful and do the same to our bodies by giving us the required antioxidants and vitamin C that help in reducing free radicals, preventing cell damage and reducing inflammation.

3} Longevity Leafy Vegetables:

As the name suggests, green leafy vegetables increase our longevity. Studies have shown that they are rich in beta carotenes, vitamins and fiber that are heart friendly and keep the blood pressure under control.

4} Crunchy Nuts:

Nuts not only add texture to our food, but they also give us the best unsaturated fats that we need to keep our skin healthy. They are rich in phyto-chemicals and vitamins that helps slows down the process of ageing by preventing cell damage.

5} Ginger and Garlic:

They may be used in minor quantities in our food, but both ginger and garlic play a major role when it comes to our health. Studies suggest that the component allicin present in them have anti-inflammatory as well as  antifungal properties. Garlic also helps in lowering cholesterol, blood pressure prevents cell degeneration.

6} Avocado:                                                                                                             

Avocados are rich in vitamin E that help repair skin besides reducing blood pressure. Being rich in folate, they help prevent osteoporosis as well. Use avocado dip with a slice of bread or salad to get the maximum benefit.



1} Protein punch:

Yoghurt, eggs, legumes, fish, chicken all are rich in amino acids which strengthen the hair from the root and prevent breakage. 90% of hair is protein, hence protein is of utmost importance.

2} The Ts in tyrosine & tryptophan:

Graying of the hair is caused by reduction in the amount of melanin in hair strands. The body makes this pigment by using the raw materials found in two amino acids, tyrosine and tryptophan. Heredity graying cannot be prevented with nutritional, but adequate protein in your diet will ensure that you have enough amino acids your body needs to manufacture melanin. Foods rich in tyrosine are eggs, dairy, nuts, beans and whole grains, while foods rich in tryptophan are spinach, salmon, mix seeds etc.

3} Superfoods:

Wheat germ, oatmeal, mushrooms, spinach, cabbage, beetroot, bottle gourd (doodhi), amla, soyabean, honey, sunflower seeds, alfalfa, and green leafy vegetables etc. work wonders to help give your luscious hair.

4} Juice of ginger root:

As per nephropathy remedies, applying ginger root juice on the scalp in circular motion has shown benefits in preventing hair problems.

5} Supplements:

Deficiencies of vitamin C, copper, and B-complex have been associated with hair fall, graying and dull-lifeless hair. Take the necessary multivitamins, but only under the supervision of a doctor or a nutritionist.


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