Can juicing help you lose weight?

4th July 2019

Here’s why you should give this weight-loss fad a miss…

Each year brings with it new diet and weight-loss fads. And, of late, the concept of juicing has been trending big time, with bona fide stars like Gwyneth Paltrow claiming it helps clear skin, remove toxins, increase energy and ultimately aids weight loss. But is juicing your fruit really good for your immunity? Are the alleged results long-lasting? And, are the side effects really worth it? Read to get your facts straight.


Myth 1: Replacing fruit with fruit juice will help you lose weight

For one glass of juice, you need around 3-4 fruits, making it thrice as calorific as a single fruit, with more sugar and less fibre, leading to weight gain and increase in triglycerides levels.


Myth 2: Fruit juice has more benefit than the fruit itself

Juices may provide you with instant hydration, but you’ll miss out on certain vitamins, phytochemicals (lycopene) and flavonoids that are lost during processing. Packaged juices, especially, are devoid of all the necessary nutrients our bodies need.

Myth 3. Health remains unaffected if you drink only fruit juice

Drinking only fruit juice can lead to muscle loss, as it does not contain protein. If had in excess throughout the day, in place of meals, it can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Fruit, had in moderation, is known to reduce bad cholesterol.

Myth 4. Fruit juice improves complexion

Fruits are rich in vitamins and polyphenols. The Vitamin C it contains especially helps in maintaining collagen and acts as an antioxidant as well. Unfortunately, most of Vitamin C is lost during the juicing process as it is an unstable water soluble and heat sensitive Vitamin. You’d be better off eating a whole fruit instead.

Myth 5. A glass of fruit juice is better than milk at breakfast

The sugar in the fruit juice gives us an instant energy as it is absorbed very quickly by our body, but this boost is short-lived. We need complex carbohydrates at breakfast along with proteins to give us long lasting energy throughout the day. Hence milk, eggs along with toast or cereal is better than a glass of fruit juice. Children need energy + growth and hence a combination of fruit and milk can be a great start to the day rather than a juice.

Myth 6. Consumption of fruit or fruit juice does not need portion control

Though fruit and fruit juice are lower in calories compared to other groups of foods like protein (milk, eggs, chicken), if consumed in excess it can lead to increased intake of sugar, which, in turn, gets converted to fat if not utilized by our body. .


  • Fruit juice can be consumed occasionally to boost energy levels along with a balanced meal.
  • It should not be consumed in place of a balanced meal.
  • A fruit will give you more fiber, vitamins and minerals and fewer calories compared to a glass of fruit juice.
  • Fruit juice which is natural and contains pulp is a better choice.
  • Fruit juice can always replace a glass of whiskey or beer at parties.




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