Let’s kick that butt now!

31st May, 2019

First things first: If you are quitting smoking under pressure, and/ or for someone you love, as much as we admire your noble thinking, YOU ARE ARE GOING TO FAIL! Trust us, we’ve had many clients who started out with the same intention, only finding themselves struggling to stay true to their commitment.

Before you begin your tobacco-free journey, ingrain this affirmation in your mind and say it as many times in a day or even night as required…

“ I want to quit smoking for myself, and not for anybody else”

Repeat this on loop if you have to. Once you’ve prepped yourself for this journey, here is a step-by-step guide to help you give up smoking once and for all.

Step 1:

Accept that smoking is an illness, just like diabetes or high blood pressure and the like.

  1. Chart the number of cigarettes you smoke per day (and be honest, this number is only for you to know).
  2. Here’s how you can begin your journey,first by reducing the quantity…
    • Buy a cigarette from a shopwhich is at least 5 minutes from your home or workplace.
    • Buy only one cigarette at a time.
    • Do not smoke it near the shop or with fellow smokers when on a work break, or out drinking with friends.
    • Make sure that there is no one around
    • Change your brand

Craving reduction strategy

There are several medicines available to decrease your craving for smoking. Varenicline is a medicine that helps to reduce cravings, and is known to help many quit smoking. Consult your/our in-house doctor for the same. If you want to quit smoking with Varenicline, first mentally prepare yourself (within a reasonable time-frame of course) and choose a date that is at least a week post starting with the medication


Substitution (Harm reduction strategy)

Always check with your doctor/or our-house doctor before starting with any of the substitutions listed below…

 Nicotine chewing gum (Nicorette, Nobacco)

-Nicotine pastilles (Quitsure,Niclonz,Nobacco)

-Nicotine patch

-Electronic cigarette

Step 4: Keep a diary and set an agenda (This is one of the most critical stages as it all rests in your hands)
  1. Set your ‘quitting’date
  2. Add it your calendar
  3. Choose your reason for quitting (remember the reason should revolve around you, and not someone else)
  4. Identify your smoking triggers
  5. Prepare to fight cravings
  6. Get rid of anything that tempts you to smoke like ashtrays, match boxes, lighters etc.
  7. Inform your friends or colleagues who smoke, you are quitting this habit, so either join you in the journey or help you by not forcing you to join them for a ciggie break.
  8. Keep yoursmoking chart updated
  9. If you fall off the bandwagon, don’t stress and re-start smoking all over again. Remember, it is just a minor setback. You can and you will get back on track… tell your mind this before you give up. A relapse is just a relapse, not a life-long sentence that cannot be reversed.

Step 5: Lifestyle Changes

Keeping busy is a great way to stay smoke-free on your ‘quitting’ day especially. Try out some of these activities…

  • Exercise
  • Have a balanced diet that will support your efforts to quit smoking
  • Get out of the house for a walk
  • Chew gum or hard candy
  • Keep your hands busy with a pen or toothpick, or play a game
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Relax with some deep breathing—yoga asanas are great and can be done anywhere.
  • Go for a movie
  • Spend time with non-smoking family and friends
  • Go to dinner to your favourite smoke-free restaurant—just steer clear from designated smoking areas
  • Switch up your routine and take on new work or personal challenges
  • Reward yourself
  • Try and find out a hobby which gives you psychological/ mental pleasure
 Step 5: Post quitting

• Create a clean, fresh, tobacco-free environment around your self, at work, and at home.

• Try to avoid drinking alcohol, coffee or other beverages that you’d normally associate with smoking

• If you miss the sensation of having a cigarette in your mouth, try a carrot or celery stick, flavoured toothpicks, e-cigarettes or nirdosh (ayurvedic cigarette) or even a straw

• Chew sugarless gum or mints to help battle cravings

• Stay away from people who use tobacco

• Reward yourself for successes—1 hour, 1 day, or 1 week without using tobacco, this is a tough journey, and you’ve well earned it

• Increase your physical activity and be persistent with your efforts



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